
Friday, October 31, 2008

As I met more pilgrams along the way I discovered a few interesting
things. One was that pilgrams could continue past Santiago
to Finisterra. Once known as then end of the earth, Finisterra is a
popular destination for pilgrams to finish and some even burn their
clothes and/or shoes. I also heard about other Caminos people had done
that sounded facinating, such as the Camino Portugese.

I then decided to take the bus one last time to make sure I had enough
time for the last 100km to qualify for the certificate you get
from the Camino. I then ran into a group of 30 pilgrims who were
headed to Santiago for a 50 year Catholic Anniversary of some sort.
Plus I got to enjoy a concert of snoring throughout the night. How
lucky was I.

Eventually, I reached Arzua, the crossroads of the Camino del Norte
and Camino Francaise where both paths merge to Santiago de Compostela.
It was such a change from seeing no other pilgrams on the walk to
seeing a lot of the same faces. I also heard stories of rampent
bedbugs and bad weather for the Camino Francaise, which made me so
glad I chose the north route.:-)

So finally finishing the Camino del Norte almost two weeks ahead of
schedule I decided to do another one, the Camino Portugese.


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